Online Success Cast #42: Natalie Marie Collins

Nicole on the Net show

Summary: Welcome to another episode of the Online Business Success Cast. This week, I have Natalie Collins, with me. The audio recording of our interview is in this blog post. Just look for the “play” button and listen. It’s free! Also, be sure to check out all of the resources listed below. If you’re not familiar with Natalie yet, learn more here: Natalie Marie Collins is a fun creative who after being in the corporate world for 13 years figured out she could make a living by taking her office skills home and started working as an Online Business (Virtual) Assistant, learned the ropes of how to create membership areas, branding, marketing, digital products, sales funnels and so much more. She then took her vast knowledge of the online business world, formulated a plan, built a biz tree and started coaching others on how to craft and grow their own successful business. One branch at a time. After her clients get the clarity they need to in their business, she helps them get it done and build their online businesses through her team of Online Business Managers and Assistants. Step 1: Check out all the Great Stuff Mentioned during this Show: All links will open in a new window and not interfere while you’re listening to the audio. Tools Natalie mentioned during this call: Zaxaa – Natalie uses this shopping cart. Asana – I also just switched over to this from Basecamp. FreshBooks – to track hours for clients. Paypal – to get money. Wappwolf – THIS IS SO COOL! Automates tasks. Adobe Tools – To get access to Adobe Suite on a monthly basis. Dropbox – BOO YAH! I love this one, too. WordSwag App – To make quote images from your phone. Stay Focused Chrome Extension – To help you stay off Facebook while working. Natalie’s tipping point in her business was attending Live Events. Here are some that we recommend: NAMS in Atlanta Beachprenuers Lifestyle Conferene – Natalie will be Speaking here in February at Daytona Beach She also mentioned our Beach House: Beachpreneurs Ladies Only Mastermind Retreat – Where Natalie and I got to know each other better. Step 2: Listen to the Interview. Be sure to listen to the entire interview. Step 3: Get More from Natalie Head over here to check out… Natalie Marie Collins Writing Dates OB1 Agency OB1 Academy Doodles for your Blog The Green Smoothie a Day Challenge Step 4: Share the Love. If you liked this interview, don’t keep it to yourself. Share the link with some friends. (Pretty please.) Step 5: Make Sure you Don’t Miss a Thing. Either sign up for my blog updates over there –> Or grab my feed on iTunes so you can get lots more free interviews just like this one. (Please leave a glowing review while you’re at it.) Step 6: Get a free link on my blog Please post your comments below after you listen to the interview. Show Natalie the love so I can continue to get great guests like her. Plus, of course, you can include your URL and your Twitter ID in the appropriate fields when you comment, as always. Thanks again for being part of my business and my day. I’m looking forward to hearing what you learned and will apply from this interview. Warmly, Nicole Dean   The post Online Success Cast #42: Natalie Marie Collins appeared first on Online Business Marketing Success with Nicole Dean. The post Online Success Cast #42: Natalie Marie Collins appeared first on Online Business Marketing Success with Nicole Dean.