Podcast 020 – Dark Souls 2 lore on Shrine of Amana and end game lore dump.

The Dark Souls Two show

Summary: If you're enjoying the podcast, please help spread the word by making a post on Reddit, your favourite gaming forum or other website of choice. This week's listener question: What is your most hated enemy in Dark Souls 2?   Show Notes: - <a href="http://youtu.be/ON2ajjC0RsA" target="_blank">Stream Soulmass's full album here.</a> - <a href="http://soulmass.bandcamp.com/" target="_blank">Check out Soulmass's bandcamp here.</a> - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/soulmass666" target="_blank">Follow Soulmass on Facebook here.</a> - <a href="http://i.imgur.com/VZACC41.jpg" target="_blank">Screenshot of the bust and relief in the King's Passage.</a> -<a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/22nv6s/staff_of_amana_vs_staff_of_wisdom/" target="_blank"> Staff of Amana vs Staff of Wisdom scientific break down.</a>