One of Swords Podcast 213: Dude, I'll Buy Ducks

One of Swords Podcast show

Summary: How can you top last week's show? We've accepted that we can't. So instead, Kat and Hugh and I discuss rare Skylanders giveaways, action-movie gravitas, the latest COD Clan War, a new Transformers game (and its new developer), game show ethics, the changing names of Dinobots, new Ghosts micro items, pinball tutorials, how department stores changed in the UK, and how Kat is too damned clever for her own good when we go to the movies. It's a show rife with indignation!  Also, the podcast RSS feed is fixed! If you are still having trouble getting new shows in iTunes, try resubscribing. You can also subscribe fresh here, and you can always download the show manually or listen in the browser if you prefer. Thanks for your patience.   One of Swords Podcast 213: Dude, I'll Buy Ducks (click to listen in the browser; to download, right click the link and choose "Save Link As...") Subscribe via RSS or iTunes Host: Dan "OneOfSwords" Amrich, Activision Community Manager, author, musician, puzzle nerd, and fire juggler Co-host: Hugh "DJ Darkhugh" Sterbakov, screenwriter, author, comic creator, Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken, and Governor of Somewhere Co-host: "The Lovely and Talented" Katrin Auch, photographer, graphic designer, bassist, Mechromancer, and inventor of Headshotmas Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and all online music stores  Relevant show links:Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark trailer & screensCall of Duty: Ghosts micro items – see 'em allMore than you ever wanted to know about training videosMr. Selfridge on Amazon PrimeKat's photography DeviantArt page and Facebook pageKat and Hugh and Dan and Yameen on TwitterDan's book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a LivingHugh's book: City Under the MoonEnter your own question for Hugh Don't Know Jack/Stick It To The DanWrite to the show's Megamailbag