One of Swords Podcast 214: Meat Broth

One of Swords Podcast show

Summary: Kat, Hugh, and I come together, right now, over new Skylanders, clones on TV, Tony Hawk leaks, arcade golf games, Onslaught DLC on PlayStation & PC, cartoon cover songs, the end of Call of Duty: Elite, Kat's internet interview, and Hugh's disturbing story about why he doesn't play guitar.  One of Swords Podcast 214: Meat Broth (click to listen in the browser; to download, right click the link and choose "Save Link As...") Subscribe via RSS or iTunes Host: Dan "OneOfSwords" Amrich, Activision Community Manager, author, musician, puzzle nerd, and fire juggler Co-host: Hugh "DJ Darkhugh" Sterbakov, screenwriter, author, comic creator, Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken, and Governor of Somewhere Co-host: "The Lovely and Talented" Katrin Auch, photographer, graphic designer, bassist, Mechromancer, and inventor of Headshotmas Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and all online music stores  Relevant show links:BONUS DOWNLOAD: Hugh Sterbakov sings the Spider-Man theme (suitable as your ringtone)Call of Duty: Elite to cease support this FridayName the new SkylandersWhat we know about the new Tony Hawk gameOnslaught DLC on PC & PlayStation ThursdayGigBlade on KickstarterKat's artist profile on VimeoOrphan Black on Amazon or NetflixThe Stacks – download the free 2600 ROM and play with StellaPowerstar Golf for Xbox OneKat's photography DeviantArt page and Facebook pageKat and Hugh and Dan and Yameen on TwitterDan's book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a LivingHugh's book: City Under the MoonEnter your own question for Hugh Don't Know Jack/Stick It To The DanWrite to the show's Megamailbag