Scott Miller - Goal Identification (K0217)

Exit Coach Radio show

Summary: <p><span style="line-height: 23.4px; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 12pt;">Host: Bill Black. Audio library: </span></p><br> <div><span style="line-height: 23.4px; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 12pt;">Scott Miller discusses goal identification, how to achieve goals, and the importance of looking at the big picture after retirement. </span></div><br> <div> <br> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></span></p> <br> <p class="p1"><span class="s1" style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span></p> <br> </div>