Weekend with WOOD 2013 - George Vondriska

Matt's Basement Workshop - Audio show

Summary: One more trip back to Des Moines Iowa for the 2013 Weekend with WOOD conference. Today's episode features a class taught by George Vondriska titled "Logs to lumber". Wondering what the class was all about? The title isn't a funny play on words, the class was literally a lesson on how to take small to medium-sized logs and create usable lumber in your own shop. The beauty of this class was in the simplicity of the technique and realizing you don't need a monster band saw to make lumber from local trees or maybe one that has important meaning. If you're not familiar with George, he's the host of the Woodworkers Guild of America - www.wwgoa.com. George has a ton of great information and his presentation of this class was fantastic. A huge thanks again to George and also to the folks at WOOD Magazine for the opportunity to attend the conference. Help support the show - please visit our advertisers