Fairdinkum Radio Analysis

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: 14.08.28 Fairdinkum Radio Show.mp3 Ep 532  Commentary This week in commentary we discuss: True Blue Aussie culture, Counter terrorism measures to receive $64m in funding, ATO targeting cash economy, ATO says it will tax bitcoin, $10 billion under the bed: Taxpayers the losers in Australia’s great black market cash stash, Tax office cracks down on the cash economy, CSG Wars Ian Macfarlane outlines ambitious plan for national gas network and more. More... Ep 531 Islamization of the World Is Islam a just a religion? Why is there 'No Go' zones in all countries where Multiculturalism has been adopted, sponsored by the State, and forced upon the people. We look at France, Britain and Norway, while considering new terror laws to develop a police state in Australia. Also Will Islam Cause WWIII? By Dr. Robert A. Morey, Community leaders say Muslims feel they are targeted by proposed new terror laws, Counter terrorism measures to receive $64m in funding, Australian Muslim leadership in chaos: Radicals reject Australia, boycott Tony Abbott. More... Ep 530 New World Religion In this weeks New World Religion update we cover the following issues worldwide:Study Claims 1 in 200 Churchgoers in Homosexual Relationships, Christian Rock Star, Theologian Vicky Beeching Comes Out as Lesbian, Rowan Williams: how Buddhism helps me pray, World Evangelical Alliance Responds to Papal Apology With Its Own, Evangelicals Praise Pope Francis ' Visit to Pentecostal Church, Pope Francis Tells Followers 'Don't Try To Convert' Lost People, Pope Francis 10 points to happiness,  Major British Hotel Chain Removes Bibles From Rooms Due to 'Multicultural' Society; Church of England Condemns 'Bizarre' Decision. More... Ep 529 Living by the Sword In this weeks video broadcast we examine Islam in comparison to the scriptures. Mat 26:52 ...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. We examine the five myths regarding Islam and Christianity and examine the first one; Is Islam a Religion of Peace. We look at how Christianity and Islam differ in the way they believe that peace is to be achieved. One through Jihad, one through teaching the Word of God. One the Sword of death to the unbeliever, the other the Sword of the Spirit. More... Works cited: