SP007: Scandal Episode White Hat’s Back On (Finale)

Scandal Podcast show

Summary:   So this episode of Scandal "White Hat's Back On" was the season finale and as shocking as all get out! Watch White Hat's Back On episode. This was a great season finale and at the end of it, I said, "Shonda Rhimes, you are a genius!"  Each episode, you are reeled in, easily learning more and more about the characters while simultaneously trying to solve the puzzle that is presented in the form of a case or a "Scandal". [box]A big shout out goes to Mz Kay Jay, a listener on the Stitcher Platform.  Also Bemused Observer who gave our second iTunes review for the show.  I appreciate the comments and the feedback from you both.  However, Bemused if you would like to help me out with the audio quality of the show, feel free to do so, lol. But seriously, thank you for taking the time to respond and leave feedback.[/box]   So let's go in with the recap and revelations for the Scandal finale! Huck A few episodes back Huck wanted Billy Chambers dead but Olivia made him promise not to so he hires out to his ever loyal B613 comrade, Charlie.  Charlie of course has not done what he was hired to do, instead letting greed get in the way of comraderie.  Charlie is so in the wind. Biggest shock of this episode is that mystery Rowan (who of course is the head of B6-13) is Olivia's dad which gives weight to the storyline that Olivia "fixed" things so that Huck is not presently dead. Mellie Grant In the kitchen of the White House scene when all members of the Defiance Alliance are present, Mellie watches Fitz and Olivia talk to each other and on her face is such a look of unease and broken heartedness.   Forgives Fitz at the end when Olivia rejects him. Fitzgerald Grant (Fitz) Wants Olivia to concoct a plan so that they can get married and live happily ever after (like a fairytale). Ultimatum with timeline attached from Governor Reston.  Why are people always giving Fitz deadlines? Governor Reston says, "Rumor has it that bible thumping..."  how would he know that unless Billy is still in touch with Sally? Tells Mellie off in the hospital. Strong in character, he watches Olivia sleep with Jake and still loves her enough to forgive it. Rowan (B6-13) How do you order your operative to sleep with your daughter and then ask for the tape? I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you.  "I handled it" verbal clue as to what's coming at the end --> these are Olivia's patented words.  Children tend to pick up the way their parents speak so we should have known he was her father. Cyrus Bean He doesn't want Olivia or Fitz harmed and spends this time being upset with Rowan. Cyrus has a heart attack and is still trying to help Fitz and Liv "handle" this situation with Defiance. James loves the hell out of Cy--cries at his bedside and is still trying to get a scoop.  He doesn't know it but he's still being manipulated by people in the Grant Administration (namely Cy and Mellie). Billy This nutbag killed CIA Director Osbourne, Molly and Wendy.  He went on a straight murder spree.  Jake Shot that operative clean in the forehead after she tried to--well broke into Olivia's house.  She did have a gun up, in a killing posture so she sure didn't come for tea and crumpets.  She also didn't come to take Liv back to B6-13 headquarters. He takes her to the OPA offices and tells her she's safe.  How?  Does B6-13 not have any snipers?  Then Olivia gives him a kiss goodbye after his confession that to sleep with her was his mission? Now Jake's in the hole Harrison I love Columbus Short but why was he even IN this episode?  They could have said he was out at a conference or something because he had about 4 lines the whole episode and they were random and kind of without any purpose.   If it weren't for the fact that we love him and he's the sexiest eye candy on the show, he could be killed off and we wouldn't miss him except to mourn him for that episode. Olivia Pope