1092 BC: The Captivity of the Ark and the Ichabod Season

Message to Kings - A Biblical History of Man show

Summary: In fulfillment of prophecy, judgment was coming to Eli and his sons. The Philistines attack Israel and Israel loses four thousand men in the first day of battle. In a last ditch effort to save themselves, the Israelites bring the Ark of the Covenant in battle the second day. Instead of bringing them victory, thirty thousand Israelites die in battle with Hophi and Phineus and on the same day Eli dies and the Ark of the Covenant is captured by the Philistines. The rest of the episode, we cover the captivity of the Ark of the Covenant in Philistia and what happens when we treat God's presence like a good luck charm, we look at God as our prize and we treat God with contempt.