TPP 068 – The Tactical Advantage

Tactical Paradise show

Summary: Welcome to Tactical Paradise!!!  I’m your host Greg Bakken.  In this podcast we’ll talk about all things tactical from everyday carry, to the mindset of armed citizens, real life situations and scenarios and the gear that will help you survive.  This is episode 68. "Brownells Police Store helps make this show possible. The Police Store has your tactical needs covered including Law Enforcement, Self Defense, and Security. Please visit" Gun DROS Shopping for sling set up. Waiting on Permit still… Gear Guide:  Optic of choice? Main Topic:  The Tactical Advantage So, many of you have asked for it, we want solution Greg!!  Give us helpful tactics that will keep us alive as we live our lives as a concealed carrying citizen. We’ve talked about it before, the Carrying Lifestyle Always carry 2  Always carry the same way Train the way you carry It’s easy to disregard these three rules of carrying.  We become complacent.  It’s a habit of life to become complacent. I was given a promotion at work that put me in a new position.  This position offered new job responsibilities, I had to dress differently, requires new skills, old skills had to be honed.  I worked really hard at the beginning to prove myself,  I earned this position!!  Well, time set in...I became complacent. Have a gun at the gun fight!!! When thinking about positions of advantage, practice in all areas of your life.  Because, lets be honest, you never know when you may need that advantage.  Disgruntled employees or coworkers, crazy people on the street, aggressive sales people, confrontational individuals. 3 Main things to think about: Do I have an out? An escape plan!!  Is my confrontation between me and my escape?  How do I fix that? Where are my hands? Am I holding grocery bags?  Do I have paperwork in my hands?  Are they in my pockets? If things go bad, what are you going to do with the crap in your hands?  Keep your hands up!! Be ready to fight if necessary. Visualize, practice, know your weakness, have a plan. "Brownells Police Store helps make this show possible. The leading supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools. Find it all at the Brownells Police Store. Please visit" Gun Safety: 1) Always treat a gun as if it were loaded. 2) Always point a gun in a safe direction. 3) Know your target and beyond. 4) Keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to shoot. KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER!!!! Training Trick:  This week, I want you to work at moving off line when being engaged by a threat.  Movement will help raise your survival rate in any gun fight.  This can be live or dry fire.  face your target with your firearm in your normal concealed carry position.  At the start or at the buzzer if using a shot counter, step right or left working on foot movement as well as presenting your firearm.  Fire two shots at the target. Guns of Hollywood Outro: "Don’t forget to shop Brownells Police Store using our affiliate link” Feedback: Itunes Review Facebook:  Tactical Paradise Firearms Radio Network: