The Family: An Endangered Species – Pt. 11 “His Eternal Purpose”

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: John 3:16 literally reveals the entire plan of God after the fall of humanity. We've majored on one part of it though -- eternal life and we've defined that as going to heaven. The one thing the bible talks very little about is heaven. But it's filled with God's eternal purpose. If we don't know what God loved we will miss what He's really restoring Kosmos - the earthly family; harmonious arrangement; His order; His government. There were no nations in Heaven, there was community and there was family. There were no nations in the garden there was one Kingdom, one God and one family. Sin separates and it separated us from God and it separated us from one another. Jesus left us to complete the work He began. We must allow Him to work in and through us rooting out sin and restoring His family...restoring His community...restoring His Kingdom.