Uncommon Love – Pt. 5 “Taking Our Place in His Love Story”

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: When we are born again we take residence in Christ and He takes residence in us beginning the greatest transformational journey we will ever experience. Our lives become much like those disciples getting into the ships and journeying to the other side. The storm appeared to be physical and external. But the biggest and most threatening storm was the internal one. What we experience is never the biggest determiner in reaching the other side but how we react to our experiences. Their fears, judgments, opinions and previous way of life raged as Jesus led them. Every scene in life is like this. We are always living out an internal conversation. That conversation is inspired by His love and our faith or it's inspired by satan’s fear and our judgments. We must choose which story we are going to be a part of. Today I want to invite you to take your place in His Love Story.