Our Father’s House: Our Father Owns It All

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: God the Father created a place for us called earth. Jesus promised He was going to prepare another place for us in the Father's House. Whether here presently, or there eternally, this truth will remain consistent -- our Father owns it all. He has never surrendered ownership, sovereign control, or His role as provider in our lives and He never will. As His children here in the earth and eternally in the new heaven and new earth, our role is to steward and manage our Father's plan and resources. Our rest and contentment are rooted in understanding this profound truth -- our Father owns it all. Scriptures KJV: Psalms 24:1-6 1Samuel 30:1-31 6.29.14 Takeaways 1. Our heavenly Father owns everything. He has never surrendered ownership, sovereign control, or His role as provider to anyone. 2. Our heavenly Father has given us the responsibility of stewardship and management of His plans and resources. 3. Honoring our heavenly Father in His role as owner and being faithful to our role as steward/manager, produces a rest for us and brings about the fulfillment of His eternal plan.