Blurred Lines: Made in the Image of God

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: Introduction: There’s no other place where the fall of mankind is more apparent than the distorted expression of manhood and womanhood. We were created, both male and female, in the image of God and after His likeness. Distinct from every other creature, we were designed to be God’s representatives in the earth. But Adam chose to pursue being god, rather than fulfilling His assigned role of being God’s representative. The fall of humanity is the most tragic of all failures in the history of creation. God has been at work since the garden to restore the lines of His original order for creation. His intent is to recover His original purpose for male and female, reclaiming the way in which we were designed to relate to Him and one another. God is working to remove the Blurred Lines. May we as His Church reflect the glory and dignity of that work. Scripture(s) KJV: Genesis 1:26-28 Genesis 2:7,18-25 Genesis 3:1-12 7.27.14 Takeaways 1. Mankind is the most glorious creature in God's creation. 2. Even in our fallen state we're the only creatures that possess the supreme honor of being made in God's image, with the potential to bring unspeakable glory to Him. 3. God uniquely created mankind to function in covenant with Him and one another.