Blurred Lines: Lust or Love (Men)

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: The fall of manhood and womanhood blurred the lines between lust and love. Love is a selfless commitment to give oneself in a way that honors God and esteems others more highly than oneself. Lust is a self-centered commitment to take from others as a means of self-survival, disregarding God and exalting self over the well being of others. Much of what we call love today is lust. Relationships, and sadly even marriages, are often nothing more than formalized scavenger hunts -- two people coming together to get what they can from each other. When the other person is considered to no longer be meeting the need, they are discarded, the relationship is dissolved and another source is pursued. We must consider ourselves, restore the lines, and choose to love, or face the eternal consequences of living a life dominated by lust.