Blurred Lines: Born This Way

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: God takes sexual sin seriously. He takes all sin serioiusly, but sexual sin was among the few that were punishable by death in the law orginally given to Moses. Sex, by it's very nature, is different from other sins. Sex is spiritual -- it was designed as a relational activity for the glory of God. Sex involves your soul -- creating memories, emotions and images. Sex is physical -- our bodies become joined together and it is corporate in nature -- involving two people. We live in a time where popular culture tells us freedom is choosing whatever we want to believe about sex, doing whatever we want to do sexually, and having no one question our sexual expression. But God created sex and He defines it's framework. When He redeedmed mankind by His mercy and grace, He also redeedmed our sexuality. Although we've all been born entirely broken, we are called to be entirely born again in Christ. John 8: 1-11 (KJV) Ephesians 2:4-10 (KJV) 9.7.14 Takeaways 1. Sexual sin was one of the few sins punishable by death in the law given to Moses. 2. Love, mercy, and grace are not weak responses to sexual sin. They are the power tools that Christ has given us to restore sexuality that honors and glorifies God. 3. The same grace that saves us also empowers us to live daily in a way that brings glory to God.