World Cup Week 1 Review

A Football Report show

Summary: After experiencing the delirium and euphoria of non-stop World Cup football for the past six days, the pod finally take a break and re-engage with the planet around them…by talking about the World Cup. The pod discuss their favourite matches so far, the surprise packages, and teams that have so far left the world sorely disappointed. Amongst the flurry of highlights, the boys mull over whether it really is the end of an era for Spain, if Thomas Müller is the clone of Miroslav Klose and how Brazil are wearing the heavy tag of host nation and tournament favourites. All that, plus the ‘bring your own sofa’ scheme that is <a href="">revolutionising the way to watch the tournament in Berlin</a>, Mario Balotelli completing his sticker album in <a href="">a way only he can</a>; and how USMNT kit man <a href="">Jesse Bignami</a> is sharing behind the scenes content from the very eye of the World Cup tornado. Remember, you can get in touch with the team by emailing, or on Twitter <a href="">@AFRvoice</a>. You can also find us on iTunes <a href="">here</a>.