Great Wargamer Destinations – Wargaming Recon #117

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: Great Wargamer Destinations Summer is a time to relax and go on vacation. Why not also gather some inspiration for wargaming to boot? Jonathan shares a few of his favorite wargamer destinations. If we didn’t cover one of your’s, then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at USS Constitution in Boston, Massachusetts USA Plimouth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts USA Yorktown Battlefield/Colonial Williamsburg/Jamestown in Virginia, USA near Jamestown/Williamsburg Scale Military Modeller International The June 2014 issue is briefly, very briefly, reviewed. It is worth picking up if you can. The cost is 4.25 GBP. Visit Scale Military Modeller International for more information. Mailbag On our Facebook page fans shared some of their favorite wargamer destination spots. Listener Adam said “Minute Man National Historical Park, Any battle field though, seeing the real ground or as near as one can get to the historical ground really increases your appreciation for the decisions made and actions taken.” Listener Adrian said “Gettysburg. Can’t get enough. Listener Dario said ” I agree – beee there 3 years ago. And tomorrow i’ll return to Portsmouth to visit the Victory” iTunes Reviews We’re up to 9 ratings with an average score of 4.25 stars! Please take the time to REVIEW the show on iTunes. It helps others to find our show and it also helps to grow the hobby. Thank you to those who have rated and reviewed us. Announcements Henry Hyde, editor of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames AND author of The Wargaming Compendium has released a new product. The Wars of the Faltenian Succession compiles his 12 part series (originally published in Battlegames magazine) into one PDF. It has color photos, live links to external websites and other pages in the pdf. Please BUY The Wars of the Faltenian Succession. Henry is donating 1 GBP from each sale to the Combat Stress charity. To further help Jonathan has a mission for each of you. He will make a donation to Combat Stress for every single sale he generates. How does this work? BUY The Wars of the Faltenian Succession (3.5 GBP, $5.99 USD) Tell me you bought the compilation because I mentioned it on the show I make a donation to Combat Stress Isn’t that easy? Three simple steps and every one of us wins. You get a fantastic product. Henry gets to see how much people like his work. Combat Stress receives donations from Henry and from myself. Upcoming Guests for Wargaming Recon Henry Hyde, editor of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames AND author of The Wargaming Compendium, will be the featured guest on August 4, 2014. Do You Like Wargaming Recon? If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes. iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby? Review us on iTunes Some Reminders: Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes. Some mobile listeners have problems hearing the show with Apple’s Podcasts App. We suggest using a different app like Pocket Casts ($1.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). Subscribe to us on iTunes Troll in the Corner Podcast Network Wargaming Recon belongs to the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network (TCPN). You may like some of the other shows on the network. Indie Talks – bi-monthly on Wednesdays covering independent games, film, television. Includes many interviews. Hosted by Trollitc owner Ben Gerber. Monsters of the Shattered World – monthly on the last Saturday. Story of a young scholar encountering strange animals on another world. Promos for the TCPN podcasts appear at the end of the show. Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for the amazing logos. Check out his portfolio at Mi[...]