Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 – Wargaming Recon #121

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 Boston Trained Bands hosts a successful annual game day at the Hobby Bunker in Malden. Jonathan attended their fifth annual game day in 2014. Listen to this episode to learn what games were played, what games wowed the gamers, and 5 reasons why game days are important. Help promote the local wargaming community Allow wargamers to find each other and form bonds Gives wargamers a chance to grow the hobby Introduces wargamers to games they don’t normally play Supports Friendly Local Game Stores (FLGS) List of Games Played All Quiet on the Martian Front Fenway Park (Homebrew baseball) The Battle of Belmont – Grant’s First Civil War Battle (Carnage & Glory) Zulu Hanghai Raiders (Homebrew by Superstar GM Mike Paine) D-Day World War II (Bolt Action) War of 1812 Battle of Stoney Creek or Battle of Chippawa Battle of Paris 1814 WW1 Eastern Front 2nd Masurian Lakes February, 1915 First Battle of Ypres 1914 (Black Powder) Mailbag Listener Rhys wrote on The Wargames Website “Just listened to [Henry Hyde’s episode] whilst painting-great stuff keep up the good work. I have to admit that it was the first time I had listened to your podcast after seeing it, but will definitely be listening to the rest whilst painting.” On Twitter: Listener Lars tweeted “Just found your podcast, excellent stuff!” Via our Facebook page: Listener Jay wrote “Jonathan, I was listening to WR 113 in which you ask ‘Are painted miniatures essential to miniatures wargaming.’ A little behind the times, I know, but bear with me. I’m of a few minds on the topic. For one, it’s your hobby, do with it how you feel. In the privacy of one’s home, what one does with other consenting adults with their toy soldiers is their own business. I’ve played plenty of games with wholly unpainted forces. Doesn’t bother me one bit. That being said, if you’re participating in an organized public event, you should at least have basic painting done. On some figures, this is easier than others. For example, the 15mm WWII Soviets I’m currently painting will have no fewer than seven colors on them just to get to ‘fully base coated’ stage. That’s not counting any shading or highlighting that may take place. Or basing effects. But! I feel better having a fully painted force on the table. It’s a better representation of the multi-disciplinary nature of the hobby. As I said, it’s a multi-disciplinary hobby. The facets one chooses to pursue are up to the individual. Of course, the irony of listening to the episode while painting said WWII Soviets is not lost on me! Please continue the podcast. Good luck to your wife with the rest of her pregnancy. Henry’s latest episode is what drew me to pull the trigger and add your show to my Downcast queue! I guess I was implying what I should have expressed, hell no, they’re not essential! At least not as essential as miniatures are in general. Which could lead to another topic altogether. What happens when you take a boardgame such as Command & COlors: Ancients and use miniatures in place of blocks or chits on a mat or fully realized terrain board?” Listener Adam said “Not really a fan of Victrix they are too brittle (lots of broken muskets on my 28mm boys)” We’ve crafted a few theme weeks on our Facebook page. Did 2 weeks of 54mm photos and 1 week of Napoleonics. Check them out. Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com. iTunes Reviews Stevbee from Canada left a 4 star review titled Great Stuff! saying “A great podcast full of a variety [of] good quality information.” Josh Weaver from the UK left a 4 star review titled Cheers saying “Thanks fo ran excellent podcast! I[...]