Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War – Wargaming Recon #122

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War Steven MacLauchlan is the former Digital Content Manager for Battlefront Miniatures (maker of Flames of War) and is also the head honcho at the WWPD: News From the Front podcast. Steven returns to the show to discuss Flames of War and his life after Battlefront. Listeners may recall that Steven first appeared on Episode 50: WWPD News From the Front and Steven MacLauchlan. In this episode Steven: Provides a glimpse into what it is like to work at Battlefront Looks back at Cold Wars 2011 Shares about doing a live podcast at a convention Pokes fun at Jasper Oorthuys, Managing Editor Publications for Karwansaray Publishers (of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy fame) Want to know more about Steven & WWPD? Visit their website WWPD. Stay up to date with their Facebook page Follow them on Twitter Peek behind the curtain with Steven’s personal Twitter Mailbag Via our Facebook page: Listener David commented on this photo saying “54mm is a great scale–Big battles for small hands.” Listener Jay remarked about some 25mm Old Glory Prussian Hussars saying “Clad in the purest shimmering samite…” Listener Adrian said of 54mm Armies in Plastic “In spite of some awkward poses, the AiP figs paint up very nicely…an inexpensive entry into 54mm.” Listener Cary commented on these cornfields from Huzzah’s 2014 Game Day saying “Id have to agree pretty creative terrain awesome” Superstar GM gave Wargaming Recon high praise by saying “These episodes are the best thing next to playing! You earn the praise with every episode. Nobody else covers our local hobby like you do!” We’ve crafted a few theme weeks on our Facebook page. Just finished Flames of War/WW2 coverage in honor of Steven & WWPD. Next theme is content from Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine in honor of upcoming guest Jasper Oorthuys. Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at iTunes Reviews Stevbee from Canada left a 4 star review titled Great Stuff! saying “A great podcast full of a variety [of] good quality information.” Josh Weaver from the UK left a 4 star review titled Cheers saying “Thanks fo ran excellent podcast! I’ve only recently discovered the podcast and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the cast and the dedication to improving that quality…all in all a great podcast! Happy gaming” We’re up to 10 ratings with an average score of 4.3 stars! Please take the time to REVIEW the show on iTunes. It helps others to find our show and it also helps to grow the hobby. Thank you to those who have rated and reviewed us. Do You Like Wargaming Recon? If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes. iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby? Review us on iTunes Announcements Over the years I’ve had a variety of guests on the show. Now I need to know who YOU want me to have on the show. Please CONTACT ME with who you want me to get on the show. If you can share their contact information or an introduction that is even better. Henry Hyde, editor of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames AND author of The Wargaming Compendium has released a new product. The Wars of the Faltenian Succession compiles his 12 part series (originally published in Battlegames magazine) into one PDF. It has color photos, live links to external websites and other pages in the pdf. Please BUY The Wars of the Faltenian Succession. Henry is donating 1 GBP from each sale to the Combat Stress charity. Henry’s new storefront is LIVE! To further help Jonathan has a mission[...]