Supercharge Your Weight Loss with a "Good Morning" Tapping and Meditation

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Summary: SO many of my clients love tapping, but get hung up on what to say.  And I'm sure you know by know that your thoughts and beliefs dictate what happens in your physical body.  If you can't figure our what to say while tapping, please join me for this amazing guided tapping and meditation.  Together we'll visualize the day and set you up for success.  You'll want to listen to this over and over again - it's THAT powerful!  And, you'll love the music as it helps balance your solar plexus chakra! Beth lost almost 100 pounds and kept it off!  Her "secret"?  Daily tapping and one-on-one sessions to clear the deeper issues that were keeping her stuck.  She believes in EFT so much that when her husband recently asked her what she was doing "this time" to lose weight, she replied "I'm healing the hurts that caused me to overeat in the first place and I'm learning to love and accept myself even if others don't.  If YOU would like to the hurts that are causing your emotional eating, please go to and click on our 12-week special.  We're celebrating Beth's success by offering a fabulous program that includes private sessions, a 14-day mind-body detox with tapping scripts, and audio classes.  Karen Donaldson is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Certified Weight Loss Coach, registered dietitian, and certified personal trainer.  She owns a successful private weight loss practice and is the weight loss instructor with Dawson Church for the Naturally Thin You programs through EFT Universe.  As a coach and motivational speaker, she specializes in helping people lose weight permanently by teaching them powerful mind-body tools that allow them to release the need to tranquilize their emotions with food and to find peace in their lives.