June 11th, 2011-Claudia Harsh, MD is a Dallas area integrative gynecologist and physician acupuncturist. She wrote Finding Grace and Balance in the Cycle of Life: Exploring Integrative Gynecology. We'll take calls on issues of women's health. Pharmacist T

Healthy by Nature Show show

Summary: June 11th, 2011-Claudia Harsh, MD is a Dallas area integrative gynecologist and physician acupuncturist. She wrote Finding Grace and Balance in the Cycle of Life: Exploring Integrative Gynecology. We'll take calls on issues of women's health. Pharmacist Tara Meynard of SuperValue Pharmacy will contribute on the topic of compounding bio-identical hormones. Tom Brewster of Heritage Keepers will join us to discuss senior-proofing your home or your parent's.