Our 2/26 Podcast Edit is Up – With an Encore of Our Adriana Kaegi Interview - Revenge of the 80s Radio – Hour 2

Revenge of the 80s Radio - Hour 2 show

Summary: (http://images.vimeo.com/11/38/19/113819617/113819617_300.jpg) A blizzard that hit the northeast hard kept me from doing a live Revenge of the 80s Radio show on Friday, but it did allow me to run an encore of the show featuring our 2009 conversation with the multi-talented, elegant and brilliant Adriana Kaegi (http://adrianakaegi.com/). She is best known as a co-founder of Kid Creole and the Coconuts (http://www.amazon.com/Anthology-Vols-Kid-Creole-Coconuts/dp/B002MXA7OM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1267316460&sr=8-1) (with August Darnell (http://kidcreole.com/) and Coati Mundi (http://www.myspace.com/mundiworld)) and leader of The Coconuts. Currently, she is runs her own business, Dear Addy Productions (http://dearaddy.com/), and is working on new music after releasing her first solo album, TAG (http://astore.amazon.com/reveofthe80sr-20/detail/B0028EW4TQ). Our interview leads off the second hour of the show. Adriana Kaegi is well known as a performer, choreographer, costume designer, producer and businesswoman. She has also produced the documentary Kid Creole and My Coconuts (http://kidcreoleandmycoconuts.com/), which features behind-the-scenes video, concert footage and excellent narration by Kaegi. The next screening will take place on March 24th at the Phoenix Art Museum (http://www.showup.com/event/detail/440622513); our review of the DVD is here (http://www.revengeofthe80sradio.com/?p=653). This interview was done on March 6, 2009 -- shortly before the release of TAG, which remains a popular Reverb Nation download. A short while ago, Adriana released a new single, "Ive Been Going Out," which premiered on Revenge of the 80s Radio. Our full story on Adriana from last year's conversation is here (http://www.revengeofthe80sradio.com/?p=423). During the first hour of the show, we played classic alternative tracks from artists including Strawberry Switchblade (http://astore.amazon.com/reveofthe80sr-20/detail/B000BZPS0Q), The Alarm (http://astore.amazon.com/reveofthe80sr-20/detail/B000000QFX), R.E.M (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=R.E.M&x=15&y=21). and Mondo Rock (http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Mondo-Rock/dp/B0000TCOYQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1267316848&sr=8-1).