Friday Phone Call # 66: playwright Tracey Scott Wilson

HowlRound Theatre Commons' Podcasts show

Summary: By David Dower. Today my guest is Tracey Scott Wilson. Her play Buzzer recently closed at The Goodman and she's also a writer on my favorite television show "The Americans". Tracey and I have, for years, had these wide ranging conversations about the state of race in our lives now—as it is refracted off our experiences of the culture. What becomes evident to me, as we are talking, is that Tracey is writing her plays from a very particular and personal point of view: she's trying to write out of a question of "why does this make me feel uncomfortable, and what can I learn if I stay in this discomfort rather than push it away?" The difference between what we are supposed to say and feel, and what we want to say and actually feel is her playground. I enjoy playing in that park with her.