The Whole Indy Show 07-18-14 now archived


Summary: The Whole Indy Show is back with a new episode for you. Sandro &amp; Ashley start as ever by running down the big news of the week, including a bonus level of Cabana &amp; Pearce’s ‘7 Levels Of Hate’ coming to iPPV this weekend, ROH won’t be in the Hammerstein Ballroom or Manhattan Center anymore, but looks to have got good PPV buy rates for last month’s Best In The World, EVOLVE 31 &amp; 32 cards are announced and the news that UStream will be officially shutting down its PPV business in October, but will be hosting all the G1 Climax events starting on Monday (July 21) though to early August. There’s then results from IWA Mid-South, FIP, Dreamwave, Excellence Pro &amp; 2CW.<br> The results continue in the second segment, with results from ROH, WSU, including some thoughts on certain events from this particular card, and CZW, The guys then review the second night on AIW’s JT Lightning invitational Tournament, with the Quarters, Semis and Finals taking place as well as some non-tournament matches and one match that wasn’t really a match, but in reality was an almighty brawl between two feuding tag teams.<br> The review continues in the final part, as the winner of the Tournament and, in addition, the AIW Absolute Champion, is crowned. There’s then a preview of most of this weekend’s big shows (we completely forgot that New Japan’s G1 Climax was starting on Monday due to so many events) from Fighting Spirit Wrestling, Valkyrie, On Point Wrestling, AAW, and two shows each from Ring Of Honor and Chikara (the New York event ‘The Living Daylights’ Sandro will be attending too).<br> <a href=""></a><br>