Haswell Issues with 32GB of RAM, VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5, OpenVPN, Azure Services – HGG174

Managing Your Home Tech show

Summary: Paul Braren from TinkerTry.com (http://www.tinkertry.com/) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/tinkererguy) and Christian Johnson (@TheWizBM) join Jim (@jcollison) and for show #174 of Home Tech Podcast brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/ community.  Paul covers virtualization topics like building your own VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5, Haswell Z97 issues with more than 32GB of RAM.  Christian had some questions around OpenVPN on a VM and Jim continue to tout Microsoft Azure as an option to the Home Server. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: http://theAverageGuy.tv/amazon Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at http://theAverageGuy.tv/live or call in your questions or comments to be played on the show at (402) 478-8450 Listen Mobile:     Paul’s Site: http://tinkertry.com Build your own VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5 Datacenter, starting with one PC http://youtu.be/iQfTuAdLfYw See also TinkerTry Superguides that were mentioned on the podcast: http://TinkerTry.com/superguide-vmware-vsphere http://TinkerTry.com/superguide-windows-server-2012-r2-essentials http:/TinkerTry.com/superguide-home-virtualization-server-enthusiasts-colorful-variety-of-esxi-whiteboxes Insecure about using public WiFi? Connect to your home’s OpenVPN appliance, for free. http://TinkerTry.com/security-bsides-boston-presentation-may-10-2014 VMware Workstation 10 is feature rich, but you might be fine with the free VMware Player 6 Plus http://www.tinkertry.com/vmware-workstation-10-or-vmware-player-6-plus Haswell Z97 limited to 32GB memory max, an unfortunate reality for virtualization enthusiasts http://www.tinkertry.com/haswell-z97-limited-to-32gb-memory-max-an-unfortunate-reality-for-virtualization-enthusiasts Rufus takes 2 minutes to create a bootable USB flash drive for ESXi installation http://TinkerTry.com/rufus-takes-2-minutes-to-create-a-bootable-usb-flash-drive-for-esxi-installation Easy install Amazon CloudFront CDN with WordPress Plugin W3 Total Cache http://www.tinkertry.com/easy-install-amazon-cloudfront-cdn-with-wordpress-plugin-w3-total-cache/ Display your iOS and Android devices on Windows, using Reflector and Droid @ Screen http://TiinkerTry.com/display-your-ios-and-android-devices-on-windows-using-reflector-and-droid-at-screen Kevin asked some questions in the chat, no I haven’t played with vCHS or vCloud, but my customers do use VMware SRM For the person inclined to tinker, VMware offers a lot of cloud options too, see also: http://labs.hol.vmware.com https://labs.vmware.com https://labs.vmware.com/flings https://labs.vmware.com/academic https://labs.vmware.com/nee Jim brought up Azure, great way to go Microsoft justifies sending employees out to do free Hyper-V trainings and blog, by seeing the use of these links, care of Dan Stoltz, Microsoft, from http://itproguru.com Try Azure http://aka.ms/iaas Try Hyper-V http://aka.ms/Hyperv2012 Try Windows Server 2012 http://aka.ms/getwin2012R2 Windows Task Manager auto-started as an effective CPU monitor in your system tray Posted on February 12, 2013 by Paul Braren http://itproguru.com/expert/2013/02/windows-task-manager-auto-started-as-an-effective-cpu-monitor-in-your-system-tray/ Christian brought up some potential concerns about Azure: https://www.grc.com/sn/SN-460-Notes.pdf “Some Azure customers may have noticed that for a VM deployed in a US region, when they launch a localized page on a web browser it may redirect them to an international site. The following explains why this may be happening. IPv4 address space has been fully assigned in the United States” Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/theAverageGuyTV Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theaverageguy/ If you’d like to subscribe to the show, click on to update your iTunes library,