Beyond The Bell Vault: Hart-Break & Hatred, The Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels Story


Summary: Go back to the Beyond The Bell Archive as this special edition serves as a companion piece to last week’s Monday Night War series on the WWE Network where they focused on the impact Bret Hart and the Montreal Screwjob had on the war between WWF and WCW. From the Famous Feuds series relive arguably the greatest rivalry in Sports Entertainment history, Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart &amp; ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels. This edition follows the careers of Bret and Shawn featuring old-school audio from their tag team days to their championship victories. Hear the behind the scenes story of the Montreal Screw-job from both sides. So get ready to rewind and relive the entire feud from start to finish on this edition of Beyond the Bell!<br>