Adam Gorightly – Historia Discordia

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: <a rel="attachment wp-att-2465" href=""></a>Gorightly’s back again with a <a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1410761155&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=historia+discordia">new book</a> based on his custodial ownership of the original holy documents of the <a href="">Discordian movement</a>. The religion, founded in a Southern California bowling alley in 1957, was the first modern joke disguised as a religion, or was it?<br> We talked about the history of the Discordians, Gorightly’s interaction with Discordian-affiliated luminaries like Robert Anton Wilson and Bob Newport, and its influence on the counterculture.<br> Halfway through the program, I played the 1975 hit, “Convoy,” featuring Adam Gorightly singing under his CIA-assigned pseudonym, “C.W. McCall.”<br> Photo of Gorightly as Rodin’s “Stinker” by Barbara Harris.<br>