The Chemical Wedding, Alchemy, and Hermetic Yoga

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday July 10th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will continue our discussion of the Western psychic center (chakra) arrangement established by Boehme and Gitchel based on the Qabalah in relation to the Eastern (an adopted Western) sequence based on Alchemy. Again our guest will be Frater Osiris. We will look at the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkrutz and conjecture what the secret "Key" to its symbolism might be. We will examine David Goddard's "Tower of Alchemy" in relation to these themes and attempt to reconcile the practice of both systems. This will be an exploratory symposium which may generate as many questions as it answers, but we at least promise to stimulate your mind -- so tune in and we will at least try to define the mysteries even if we cannot solve them.