#110 - Operation "But this time it will be different baby."

Something Wonky show

Summary: This week on Something Wonky, we don our Auscam trousers, dust off our fridge magnets and see if we can declare sexism dead yet (Spoiler: No). Plus, coal, climate and cannabis. THE FOCUS GROUP Please mention the war Voters approve Tony Abbott’s ‘relations with other countries’, says poll Off to war - but as the Greens ask, what’s the plan? What are the victory conditions? What are the limits? Who the hell knows Leigh Sales interviews Defence Minister David Johnston about Iraq Tony Abbott: Military action against Isis will cost half a billion dollars a year Terror is the new black Brandis tells Insiders ASIO’s powers had to be expanded because it was “constrained”. Can’t have any limits on ASIO! Small government requires powerful agencies with fewer limits than the governments they were originally intended to serve. Libs raise “terror” level on basis of “no specific intelligence” and then tell us to go about our lives normally Bins banned as nation on high alert Why we don’t need feminism any more Dave underestimates Tony: Tony’s creepy sexism at work, months ago; Dave did not believe he could have done it again. He did. (51m) Labor MP tells men who criticise campaign to prevent violence against women to ‘Grow up!’ Survey finds one in five believe women partly responsible for rape if drunk Deranged religious nutters in Victoria blame society’s ills on “The absence of the father in many Aussie homes” and ” the removing of discipline in homes and schools by the politically correct brigades”; launch policy to combat this called, and I kid you not, “LUV YA”. Spelt that way. By the way You know that creepy TPP deal, where we’re going to help improve the deficit by giving overseas corporations extra power to sue for millions of taxpayer dollars if they don’t like what the government does? Yeah, still secret, the ISDS clauses still present - and Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb refused Background Briefing’s request for an interview Australian export risk on China dirty coal ban NASA Ranks This August as Warmest on Record Is Australia’s housing market overpriced? Bank of International Settlements says yes Joe Hockey dismisses Australian property bubble claims as ‘lazy analysis’ Cannabis use by terminally ill may be legalised in NSW as Labor backs bill AUSTRALIA VS HUMANITY Hardly any coverage of that critical High Court verdict. Weirdly, now that the conservatives’ brutalise refugees strategy is falling apart, it’s not newsy any more? Asylum seekers: PNG minister seeks to hasten resettlement from Manus Island Police in riot gear removing Aboriginal children at ‘gunpoint’ Case of Indigenous man’s indefinite jailing without trial sparks reform push Ten weeks dry: water is still a privilege, not a right, in Indigenous Australia STOP THE PRESS The ABC is vital to Australian democracy