Episode 1: Interview with Paul Harvey

The Journal of Southern Religion Podcast show

Summary: <p>In the JSR’s first podcast, <a href="http://www.francis.edu/Remillard.htm">Art Remillard</a> interviews <a href="http://paulharvey.org/">Paul Harvey</a> about his new book, <em><a href="http://www.ugapress.org/index.php/books/index/moses_jesus_and_the_trickster">Moses, Jesus, and the Trickster in the Evangelical South</a>.</em> Professor Harvey discusses a range of topics, from his experiences at the Lamar Lectures in Southern History at Mercer University, to his unique collection of sources. (He recently uploaded some of the book’s <a href="http://paulharvey.org/moses/">folk art images to his website</a>.) He also explains his decision to frame the book as a “throwback to an earlier kind of religious history that centered on Protestantism and marginalized other traditions.” Paul qualifies that it is a “throwback” only insofar as the book examines the evangelical majority. Otherwise, as he explains, this “center” is quite complex, particularly on matters of race.</p>