Episode 59: Do You Hear That Clique-ing Noise?

Swap Fu Podcast show

Summary: What's up? Well... Thank you Los Swingers for hospitality once again! Tost rocked it out for FuGrrl's birthday! Full circle and then some. In the news... Herman Munster Gets Rapey: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-dressed-herman-munster-raped-3934576 (Will selfies replace mug shots?) 15 Celebrities Swingers: http://madamenoire.com/453365/15-celebrity-swingers/ Sex Facts!: http://www.yourtango.com/2014220165/7-absolutely-insane-sex-facts-around-world?utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange Keep moving! Traveling to La Jolla for work and fun! Do yourself a favor and hit up Babycakes for Sunday Funday! http://www.babycakessandiego.com/babys-bar/church Sundays in San Diego are a goddamn party! Hi 79couple! Thanks for the amazing time! Check out there fun meet and greets. That song Fancy's got a fuck beat to it. More than The Rentals? Barry White is out. Marvin Gaye? No way. Six Underground by Sneakers Pimps. Topix The Sizeist vs FuGrrl: Swinger Superhero What do people really look like in the Lifestyle? Thank you Jaye for the topic. What's hot? Is it just looks? Social is not a social service. People have the right to choose. Choose what's hot to you and be hot back. Then things get cliquey! Are you in a clique? Because you're being tough on newbies. Mr Swap Fu goes on a loony rant and weirds out FuGrrl Parting thoughts Flirt? Meh. Get Tested!! Meet us, the Average Swingers and the Hidden Swing in Austin! Details on Kasidie. We want donuts! Naughty in N'Awlins! Red dresses. Red dresses everywhere! Shout outs! Thanks for the awesome iTunes reviews Happy Dirty 30 Anniversary to Ms T and Mr K -- Join their Texas Social Club Question: Are there enough meeting and greets happening? Song? Clique by Kayne. Yeah, that's right. The Swap Fu podcast contains explicit, adult content, intended for listeners 18 years of age or older. The Swap Fu Podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not health or sexuality professionals and anything we say should not be construed as professional advice. Please contact us: swapfu@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter @swapfu Call us at 609-3SWAPFU Just remember Your Marriage May Vary!