#201 – The Window SLAMS Shut

Rant Cast show

Summary: On this week’s pod, regular Rant Cast presenters Ed & Paul look back on Manchester United’s disappointing fixture with Burnley at Turf Moor. The scoreless draw came amid another insipid attacking performance from the Reds, although manager Louis van Gaal will be pleased with a clean sheet. It was also the occasion of Angel Di Maria’s debut – the £60 million Argentinian appearing for 70 minutes in central midfield. Burnley followed the humiliating defeat at Milton Keynes Dons in the Capital one Club. A cluth of youngsters and fringe players conspired to produce one of the worst United performances in memory. There’s speculation (inevitably out-of-date) about the final few days of the transfer market – who is set to leave and who might arrive before the window closes on 1 September. Finally, your questions and a brief look ahead to the international break.