Sydney Musai Walter: 09-03-2014: Off the Trail, on the Path: the Dharma of Wild Places

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: Musai Sydney Walter Roshi reads and discusses excerpts from his new book, "Off the Trail, On the Path," a collection of photos and descriptions from his wanderings and retreats in wild places. He tells of unexpected weather, growing old, and intimacies with the exuberant beauties of the land. See the slideshow below: Bio : Roshi Sydney Musai Walter began Zen Practice in 1970 with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi at San Francisco Zen Center. After living at Tassajara Zen Monastery, then studying with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Musai became a student of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, at Zen Center of Los Angeles. He practiced with Maezumi Roshi until that teacher’s death in 1995, when he became a student of Jitsudo Ancheta Sensei, a dharma successor of Maezumi Roshi.In 1996, Jitsudo Sensei and Musai founded Hidden Mountain Zen Center in Albuquerque. In January of 1999, Musai received Dharma Transmission from Jitsudo Sensei. Since 2002, Musai has been studying the Big Mind process with Genpo Roshi, also a dharma successor of Maezumi Roshi. Musai has received denkai transmission (full priest empowerment) and authorization to teach the Big Mind process from Genpo Roshi. In 2008 Musai received inka, the final seal of approval, from Genpo Roshi. Musai is now retired from a career as a psychotherapist and family therapist. He will continue to teach at Prajna Zendo and spend more time wandering through the mountains and canyons of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado.