Robert Thomas: 10-01-2014: A Zen Buddhist Vision of Possibility (Part 2 of 2)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: Sensei Robert continues his investigation of possibility as the nature of things, now in connection with "living by vow." If limited karmic activity -- acquiring and rejecting -- is a reaction to the world of vast possibility, then vow is how we transcend such a reaction. In place of seeing all appearances as assets or impediments to our pleasure, we ask how we can fulfill our vows with each one. We "free numberless creations" -- forms, beings -- by embracing them, meeting them just as they appear; not merely using them. For Teacher BIO, please visit Part 1. Please note: thematically and chronologically, this talk is both the conclusion of a two-part series -- "A Zen Buddhist Vision of Possibility" -- and the start (Part 1) of a four-part series, "Living and Practicing in Vow Sesshin."