Immigration Law and Policy Conference: Session IV, Immigrant Legal Services Innovations and Challenges in Adjudication

Migration Policy Institute Podcasts show

Summary: The last several years have witnessed extraordinary developments related to the adjudication and representation of persons facing possible removal from the United States. This panel from the 11th annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference—organized in October 2014 by the Migration Policy Institute, Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc., the Center for Migration Studies, and Georgetown University Law Center—highlights innovative new legal service-delivery programs, including government-funded counsel in New York City, the Immigrant Justice Corps fellowship program, the Justice Americorps Program, nongovernmental organization initiatives to represent the growing numbers of unaccompanied child migrants (UACs) and others. It also discusses challenges related to the accelerated adjudication of proceedings for minors, the expansion in non-court removals, legal representation of persons apprehended near the U.S.-Mexico border, and an economic analysis of government-funded legal counsel in immigration proceedings. Panelists are Austin T. Fragomen, Partner, Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen and Loewy, LLP; Meredith Linsky, Director, American Bar Association Commission on Immigration; Hon. Dana Leigh Marks, President, National Association of Immigration Judges; and John Montgomery, Senior Vice President, NERA Economic Consulting. For more on the conference, visit: Download Standard Podcasts