SR: Destiny, Pride, The Leftovers, Ali Smith, Horst, 13 Sep 14

Saturday Review show

Summary: Destiny: the most expensive video game ever produced has just been released - a perfect excuse for us to explore the rich and diverse world of gaming. Pride is a lighthearted film about lesbian and gay groups from London who supported Welsh miners during the 84 miners' strike. - leading to an unexpectedly harmonious and fruitful relationship. What would America be like after a Rapture-like event if 2% of the population were taken into heaven and the rest are left behind? The Leftovers is a TV series that considers a post-rapture-like USA. Ali Smith's new novel is called How To Be Both - 2 complimentary self-contained stories that can be read in either order. The work of German American fashion photographer Horst is featured in a new exhibition at London's Victoria and Albert Museum.