132 – Scotcast Part Nine: St. Columba and King Brude

The British History Podcast show

Summary: This episode will cover the years 506 to 584 and will focus primarily upon: King Brude (also known as King Bridie), the King the the Northern Picts … also referred to as King of Fortriu and St. Columba, the man credited with converting the Northern Picts… and lesser known monster expert. Alright… lets get to it. And today we’re going to talk about the last of the three Kings of Pictland whom the Pictish Chronicle has anything to say beyond how long they ruled. But before we begin, I want to make it clear that to a certain extent we are reading tea leaves and we only have a few sources to draw from. I’m going to do my best to stitch them all together for you but by and large this information is coming from scattered references in the Pictish Chronicle, Bede’s work, the Irish Annals and the Life of St. Columba. This really it. So we’re going to do the best we can and see what we can learn. Now as you recall from the last episode, we ended with the reign of the second of the three major Pictish kings… Nechtan the great…. And then, in 506, King Nechtan son of Erp died, and was succeeded by Drust Guthinmoch who reigned for 30 years. Then he was succeeded by Galanan who ruled for 12 years… and we know nothing about those two kings… but we do know that after Galanan died things went sideways.