The Trajectory of Learning Love (#453)

The God Journey show

Summary: What would Jesus' church looked like if it was really built on love derived from him and shared with each other. Dan Mayhew of Portland, OR, joins Wayne on this podcast about his life-long adventure of seeking the church whose builder and architect is Jesus. How does love shape us to live differently in his family? How does it allow us to honor relationships beyond our disagreements and by doing so reflect the glory of his kingdom in the world? Dan's a prolific author, former pastor, and passionate to equip others to know him. In their conversation they talk about the challenges of parenting a prodigal child, the power of submission as God sees it, and the challenges of living inside and outside the box of institutionalism. Podcast Links: Pre-order Finding Church Wayne's Travel Schedule Dan Mayhew's Website To order: The Butterfly and the Stone, The Sword of Submission, or The Ancient Deceptions from Amazon Wayne's review for The Butterfly and the Stone Kenya Update for the Outreach in West Pokot Add your voice to our question/comment line: (805) 539-6980 or Skype us at "TheGodJourney"