Ontario Morning Podcast - Tuesday August 28, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Planning to buy a cellphone for back to school? We got tips from Ken Whitehurst at the Consumer Council of Canada. Sniffling and sneezing? You're not alone. Dr Rozita Borici-Mazi at Hotel Dieu in Kingston told us why allergy season is so bad this year. Legislating a contract for teachers. The CBC's Mike Crawley had details and we spoke with Lisa Taylor an elementary teacher in Wellington County. Carpenter Nigel Wilson in Windemere told us about the birthing stools he's created. The former commander at RMC is now Canada's top soldier. Rob Russo told us more about Lt-Gen. Thomas Lawson. and a vintage year for Ontario grapes. We spoke with Lynn Sullivan of Rosehall Run Vineyards in Prince Edward County and Jim Willwerth, a grape growing specialist at Brock University.