E3 2014: The "What is the Division?" Show

4Player Podcast show

Summary: Nintendo surprised everyone by managing to create some positive buzz despite having no press conference. We're talking new Yoshi, New Zelda, New Star Fox, and more! Long time community member, ChaiTai (Tim) joins us at the table to thrown down some thoughts on the new Super Smasth Bros as well. Also, the first day of being on the show floor was great and we bring you some impressions of a few exciting new titles that you will be playing in the next year or so! Oh yeah... we played an hour of The Evil Within... E3 2014: Day 2 Podcast - [download] [podcast]http://4playernetwork.com/podcasts/4pp/E3-2014/Day2.mp3[/podcast] Discussion: Nintendo Direct Conference New Legend of Zelda Dragon Age 3: Inquisition The Division This War of Mine The Evil Within and more... Link Dump: Follow us on Twitter Fan us on Facebook Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!