GI Show 217: Destiny, Apple's Game And Watch

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Our regular host Matt Helgeson had a full plate today, so video producer Ben Hanson sat in his regal hot seat to discuss the latest and biggest news in gaming. Bungie's Destiny, one of the largest games of the year, is now in our hands and we have a lot to discuss in our first segment. PC editor Daniel Tack has concerns over the lacking social features in the game and  so we paired him up with our future reviewer of the game Matt Miller to share their impressions of the ambitious shooter from the creators of Halo. For the second segment, we rounded up watch-enthusiast Jeff Cork and gaming-ethusiast Andrew Reiner to discuss this week's big Apple keynote. We cover the gaming potential of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and try to understand Silicon Valley's new obsession with wearable tech by debating the announcement of the Apple Watch. I hope you enjoy the show, be sure to leave any feedback in the comments below. (Please visit the site to view this media)