Ask The Guys - Making Wise Choices in Your Real Estate Investing

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: It's time for Robert, Russ and the Godfather to delve into the mail bag and take on listener questions. In this episode, it's all about choosing.  Is it better to pay cash or use credit?   Does a property always have to be about money, or can lifestyle factor in?  After all, isn't making money all about having funds for your lifestyle? And what about getting help?  Is it better to simply pay for education and advice, or does it make sense to share profits with a mentor? You have questions!  We'll make up answers.  Find out what we have to say when you listen to this edition of Ask The Guys! The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter! Visit