How to Tame Your Email and To-Do List

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>Work is messy, but that doesn't mean that you have to be a hot mess at work. This week, as a part of Money Talking's first management conversation, WNYC's business editor Charlie Herman speaks with two experts from the <a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Business Review</a> on getting organized and maximizing your productivity at the office. <a href="" target="_blank">Sarah Green</a> is a senior associate editor at HBR and author of the article "<a href="">8 Ways Not to Manage Your Email (and Five and a Half Tactics That Work)</a>." Here are a few of Green's tips for how to handle that glut of email.</p> Treat your email as an essential part of your job. Devote a specific amount of time each day to managing your email. Find a different method (not email) to manage your to-do list. <p>Herman also talks to Ron Friedman, a social psychologist who specializes in human motivation and author of "<a href="">How to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day</a>." He says it's important to define your goals for the day and stick to them. </p> Begin your day with a "visioning exercise" where you imagine your key accomplishments for your work day. Break down tasks into specific actions. Start each item on your to-do list with a verb (like this list!). <p>To hear the full conversation about how to be more productive and organized with your email and your to-do list, click on the audio above. If you have some tips you'd like to share, leave us a comment below. </p>