Corporations Pledge to Combat Climate Change

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>A week of climate change marches, meetings, speeches and pledges in New York City is coming to an end. World leaders came for the U.N. Climate Summit and regular folks joined the People's Climate March on Sunday. Business executives also gathered and made pledges to fight climate change. This week on Money Talking, regular contributors Rana Foroohar of Time magazine and Joe Nocera of the New York Times examine what corporate leaders around the globe are doing to reduce emissions and embrace sustainability in their businesses and whether they are doing enough. Also, a look at the movement to get university endowments, pensions and individuals to divest from fossil fuel companies - how could it affect the climate change? According to <a href="" target="_blank">Arabella Advisors</a>, various entities have already committed to divest over $50 billion in assets from fossil fuel companies.</p>