Wall Street Worries About the Economy, Oil And Ebola

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>Global markets have been on a wild ride for the past two weeks as investors act on fears of a slowdown in global growth. The IMF recently <a href="http://online.wsj.com/articles/imf-cuts-2015-global-growth-forecast-0-2-percentage-point-to-3-8-1412686808">lowered </a>its global economic growth forecast as there are new concerns rise that Europe is sliding closer towards another recession. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve later this month is scheduled to end its bond buying program that helped stimulate U.S. economic growth. This week on Money Talking, regular contributors Rana Foroohar of Time magazine and Joe Nocera of The New York Times discuss why investors are so spooked, the impact of low oil prices and how Ebola is helping to fuel the jitters. Even in the U.S., where the economic recovery appears to be on solid ground, markets remain volatile. </p>