July 2014: R.Science

R.Science podcast show

Summary: In July's R.Science episode we're dipping into events and activities which have been going on around the Society. First we'll be catching up with scientists who attended our antimicrobial resistance discussion meeting. Then we'll be hearing from Dame Sally Davies who also attended the discussion meeting and was elected as a Royal Society Fellow this year. Another new Fellow, Professor Michael Benton, talks about how fast T Rex could run and how scientists know that some dinosaurs were ginger. And finally, Dame Alison Peacock talks about Vision, a new Royal Society report about science and mathematics education. 1.10 Antimicrobial resistance discussion meeting - Dr Jullian Parkhill FRS and Professor Jodi Lindsay 04.15 An extract from New Fellows Day - Dame Sally Davies FRS, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Advisor to the UK Government 07.36 An extract from New Fellows Day -  Professor Michael Benton FRS, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology in the School of Earth Sciences at Bristol University 15.05 Vision for Science and Mathematics Education – Dame Allison Peacock Listen to this episode