Seafood in Hawaii

Hawaii Vacation Connection show

Summary: If you’re vacationing in Hawaii, then chances are you want to sample local fresh seafood that comes straight from the fishermen of the islands. Hawaii is premiere when it comes to this, plus you’ll find a plethora of restaurants with chefs that serve up delicious Hawaii regional flavors. From the popular picks of mahi mahi and opah to the lesser-known flavors of hamachi and unagi you can find good fresh fish seafood in Hawaii. You don’t have to dine at the 4 star restaurants for 4 star flavor. You can sample succulent shrimp from food trucks and fresh fish from plate lunch spots, so don’t worry about breaking the bank if you have a taste for fresh seafood. If you’re new to the Hawaiian fish scene, then let me introduce you to a few of the regulars. When dining out at seafood restaurants, it’s most common to find mahi mahi on the menu. A white, sweet, moderately dense fish, mahi mahi is Hawaii's most popular fish and the one that is most often exported to the mainland. I love it crusted with macadamia nuts and drizzled in a beurre blanc sauce… mmm.