Limited Appeal - I can't believe it's not butter

Limited Appeal show

Summary: By the time you get through the intro, you'll be suspecting something awful is coming your way. Aaaaannndd, you're right. We start by talking about deep fried things, but then the discussion takes a sharp turn to the nasty. Sorry, but we need to get this out of our system (ahem) every once and a while. For those of you who don't like discussions of bodily functions, you're probably not a regular listener, right? Anyways, after explaining the rules to a twisted legendary Australian game, Warren reveals his discomfort with handling feces, which leads us to a bunch of related topics (there are several related topics, as it happens). Listen if you dare. If you think your butter has gone bad, then don't blame us. But do email us next time you're going to have a shower ( Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.