Episode 55: Muscle and Endurance with Strength Runner Dave Gluhareff

The Kryptonite Report Strength Podcast» Podcast show

Summary: In this latest episode Super-trainer, athlete, proves that you can go LONG and go STRONG. Breaking through the limiting beliefs of muscle or endurance, extreme athlete, former fat-kid, and now ultra-extreme-endurance athlete, Dave Gluhareff, known as Strength Runner, shares his amazing life and stories to inspire you to reach your best. In the late 1990’s David Gluhareff lost over 100 pounds. Dave became a Certified Personal Trainer with the ISSA and began his career. As a Personal Trainer, Dave has been helping people take charge of their physiques to help them feel, look, and move better through life.  Dave specializes in Training “busy professional men” to lose weight or gain weight. Dave also makes his living as a health and fitness writer and speaker. Topics Dave cover’s includes Obesity, Exercise, Rest, Nutrition, Stress Relief, Flexibility, Strength Training, Range of Motion, Bodybuilding, Strength, Celebrity Fitness Interviews, Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Motivation, Fitness for Seniors, and Inspiration. Listen in for the closing 5 minutes as Dave answers… The 5 Questions of Fitness What is your favorite workout / bodypart to train? Why? What is the myth (aka lie) about fitness / weight loss that bothers you most? If you were given ONE last meal what would it be? What person in your life is most influential in supporting your pursuit of fitness? If you could have ONE wish granted to most positively affect obesity what would that wish be? Dave is an easy person to like and easy to know. I really enjoy his passion, energy and honesty. He’s a great example of what this industry of wellness and health is realy, truly all about. He is just good for the industry and every person who gets the chance to connect with him. And if you need a lift, have him tell you about one of his ultra-races. Wooo.. Crazy stuff! Strong…